DCprime Initiates Research Collaboration with the University Medical Center of Groningen on Relapse Vaccine Approach for Ovarian Cancer

Leiden, The Netherlands, September 10, 2019 – DCprime, the front-runner in the field of relapse vaccines, today announced the initiation of a research collaboration with the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University Medical Center of Groningen (UMCG) lead by Professor Hans Nijman MD PhD. The purpose of the collaboration is to design a novel relapse vaccine approach for ovarian cancer and to prepare for a clinical trial in ovarian cancer patients.

“We see significant therapeutic promise of our relapse vaccine in ovarian cancer and the researchers at the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology at UMCG are recognized experts in this field. We are extremely fortunate to have their expertise and guidance as we tackle this new indication and begin evaluating our relapse vaccine approach in solid tumors,” commented Jeroen Rovers MD PhD, CMO of DCprime.

“Ovarian cancer affects 1 in 80 women, with an average 70% chance of tumor recurrence following initial treatment. We look forward to collaborate with DCprime to improve outcomes for patients with ovarian cancer,” commented Professor Nijman.
DCprime’s lead product DCP-001 is a relapse vaccine currently studied in an international Phase II trial in AML patients who are ineligible for hematopoietic stem cell transplantations. Next to broadening its pipeline in blood cancers, DCprime is now including ovarian cancer as the first potential solid tumor relapse vaccine indication. Together with the experts in ovarian cancer at UMCG, DCprime will define an optimal vaccination strategy and determine the overall clinical trial design


About DCprime
DCprime is the front-runner in the field of relapse vaccines, a new class of oncology vaccines administered after or in conjunction with standard of care therapy to delay or prevent disease recurrence. Our lead product is a whole-cell based vaccine addressing blood cancers with a high risk of relapse. We are pursuing similar vaccination approaches for solid tumors. We believe relapse vaccines will improve survival by putting the patient’s immune system back in control. For more information, please visit: https://dcprime.com/

Contact Information:

DCprime BV
Dr. Erik Manting
Phone: +31713322627
Email: e.manting@dcprime.com

Media Contact:
Mario Brkulj or Nicholas Chang
Phone: +49 175 5711562 or +1 781 235 3060
E-Mail: dcprime@macbiocom.com

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